Benefits of Gardening
Research shows that gardening can:
• exercise all major muscle groups
• reduce weight gain
• improve sleep
• improve brain function
• reduce stress/anxiety
• reduce depression & improve mood
• increase self-esteem.
By being part of a community garden, you can also experience the friendship and support of like-minded companions. And you can take home some of the beautiful organic produce we harvest.
New Members
Share the fun of gardening with us – and the produce we grow – by becoming a member of the Miranda Community Garden. You’ll be joining a capable and friendly team and you can learn from their knowledge and experience.
Bring your children and foster their love of nature and the natural world.
Prospective members are invited to participate in the Garden as a guest twice prior to joining the Garden. After that you can join the garden by signing the attached Membership Agreement and paying your annual (pro rata) membership fee. The Membership Agreement can be downloaded here. At present we have about 30 enthusiastic members, the majority from outside the church congregation.
What do you get for your MCG membership?
- Meet and make friends with people from your community
- Learn about growing veggies, composting, worm farming and more
- Take home organic produce that you have helped grow
- Fresh air, sunshine, outdoor exercise
- Help support an organisation that brings our community together
- Insurance cover by the Uniting Church so that you are covered while working at the garden.
What is expected of members?
- As a volunteer-run organisation we encourage members to get involved. To ensure the health, safety and enjoyment of both gardeners and visitors we ask that members follow the conditions of membership as outlined on the Membership Agreement.
How much does it cost?
- Membership costs $30 per year
- Concessional rates are available
- Family membership $40 per year includes 1-2 adults plus their children
Join now!
- Complete an Online Membership Application
- Contact us to find out more.
Banking Details
- BSB: 082 367
- Account: 170 004 469
- Account Name: Miranda Community Garden
Please add your surname as the banking reference